At the Perfect 5th Musical Arts Center in Mechanicsburg, PA
Middle School 2018 Winter/Spring Flute Ensemble
Where: At the Pollock Center in Camp Hill
When: Saturdays, 11:30-12:30 PM, January 13-May19
How much: $212.50 for 18 classes (12.50 per hour-long class)
One class is free, in case of snow or instructor illness.
In case of another snow day or instructor illness, you will be reimbursed $12.50
No class on Feb. 17th
April 14th class will be held at the Perfect 5th Musical Arts Center
May 19 (play for parents last 30 minutes of class)
Flute ensemble is a great way to improve flute skills, leadership, tuning, rhythms, and confidence. Plus, it is a whole lot of fun! We would love to
have you join or flute community!
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